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Gas, Bloating, Food Choices, and Eating Behaviors

Writer: Brian Dooreck MDBrian Dooreck MD

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

IBS, gas bloating, health, microbiome, gastrointestinal gi system, see your gastroenterology doctor or gastroenterologist
"I feel like I am pregnant after I eat."

Everyone has gas. How do eating behaviors and habits cause gas? I'll explain it.

"I hope to add real value to social media and share what my patients ask me about." — Dr. Dooreck

Gut Health ➕ Patient Advocacy with Navigation ➕ Life Balance


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Burping or passing gas through the rectum is normal.

If gas or bloating is an issue, consider keeping a food diary. Look at patterns, trends, and dietary triggers. You may find a particular food or behavior triggering the sensation and feeling of gas and bloating.

10 to 20 percent of adults have digestive complaints of belching or flatulence.

You usually can pass gas or flatus up to 12 to 25 times per day, typically later than in the morning.

To minimize gas and its embarrassment, the first areas to focus on are diet and eating habits.

How do eating behaviors and habits cause gas?

Anything that causes us to swallow air, such as eating behaviors, chewing gum, gulping down foods fast, and drinking while eating, can cause you to swallow air.

Bloating is a physical "sensation" that makes the abdomen "feel" larger than normal.

There can be an increase in swallowed air if you eat large pieces of bulky foods, like lettuce, cabbage, and parts of bread that are not chewed well.

Swallowed air does not have the typical foul smell we associate with gas or flatus. Still, it does contribute to bloating and abdominal discomfort that can be related to gas.

What behaviors lead to gas?

  • Chewing gum

  • Talking while eating

  • Smoking

  • Chewing tobacco

  • Drinking with a straw

  • Drinking from a sports bottle

  • Drinking from a water fountain

  • Overeating

  • Deep sighing and sucking in air through your mouth (not nose)

  • Drinking very hot or cold beverages (causing small sips)

  • Eating hard candy

  • Tight-fitting garments

  • Medications for relief of cold symptoms (look for sweeteners fructose and sorbitol)

What foods can cause gas?

  • Beans

  • Broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, onions, artichokes, asparagus

  • Pears, apples, peaches

  • Apple or prune juice

  • Dried fruits

  • Whole grains, whole wheat, bran

  • Soft drinks, fruit drinks

  • Carbonated beverages

  • Milk, milk products, cheese, ice cream

  • Packaged foods that have lactose in them (bread, cereal, salad dressing)

  • Dietetic foods, sugar-free candies, gums

  • Low-carb or sugar-free foods (containing sorbitol, mannitol, or maltitol)

What is bloating?

Bloating is a physical "sensation" that makes the abdomen "feel" more significant than usual.

Intestinal gas may cause a feeling of bloating.

Only once the volume increases by one quart will the abdomen get bigger. The feeling of being "bloated" may occur, even if the stomach is not distended.

Key Points on Gas

  • Everyone has gas.

  • Changing what you eat and drink can help prevent or relieve gas.

  • Passing gas frequently is regular.

  • Cut down on the foods that cause gas.

IBS, gas bloating, health, microbiome, gastrointestinal gi system, see your gastroenterology doctor or gastroenterologist
Drink plenty of water!

Tips on Gas

  • Drink plenty of water. Try not to drink soda and beer.

  • Eat slower and chew more to cut down on the amount of air you swallow when you eat.

  • Try smaller, more frequent meals.

  • Avoid chewing gum.

  • Don’t smoke.

  • Make sure your dentures fit properly.

  • Keep a diet diary.

  • Drink beverages at room temperature.

  • Increase physical activity.

  • Sit up straight or take a short walk after eating.

Fiber and Gas

A high-fiber diet is essential for bowel health, regular bowel movement, and colon cancer prevention. Yes, fiber is a carbohydrate or "carb." So, do not eliminate all fiber from your diet.

Not all types of carbohydrates are "bad" for you. Use high-fiber foods in smaller quantities; gas and bloating are issues. This portion control has other benefits, too, such as weight management. Drink plenty of water and fluids to help to move the high-fiber-based foods through the digestive tract.

Should I be concerned if I have gas and bloating?

Usually no. However, always seek medical attention when there is an increased frequency or severity of the symptoms, especially if there is any weight loss, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, anemia, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, or heartburn.


I eat a high-fiber, mostly plant-based 🌱 diet, no red meat, drink 4 liters of water a day, exercise, and am focused on keeping nutrition simple. I am sharing what works for me and what I routinely recommend to my patients.

"Balance. Portion control. Keep nutrition simple. Eat Smart. Eat Healthy. 🌱 🌾 🌿"

Gut Health ➕ Patient Advocacy with Navigation ➕ Life Balance

If you were looking for information about Private Healthcare Navigation and Patient Advocacy from Executive Health Navigation

Connect with Dr. Dooreck on LinkedIn, where he focuses his sharing on Health, Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, Lifestyle, and Balance.


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