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Fatty Liver Disease and Your Liver Health

Writer: Brian Dooreck MDBrian Dooreck MD

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Healthy foods help your gut diversity, health, microbiome, gastrointestinal gi system for you and the gastroenterology doctor

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or "fatty liver" is common. It affects approximately 75 to 100 million adults in the United States. That is 25% to 45% of all US adults. NAFLD, or fatty liver, is the leading cause of chronic liver disease. This is becoming more so prevalent because of the ongoing epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome.

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Almost every 3rd American is affected by liver conditions nowadays. How can we explain the high rate of liver disease patients in the United States?

Approximately "25% to 45% of US adults" have Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or "fatty liver."

NAFLD is the liver (hepatic) manifestation of metabolic syndrome. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels."

What is Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)?

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is when there is a presence of at least 5% hepatic steatosis (fat) on liver biopsy without evidence of hepatocellular injury. Risk factors of NAFLD are insulin resistance, obesity, and, as mentioned above, metabolic syndrome.

What is Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)?

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a subset of NAFLD. It is a more progressive and more advanced form of fatty liver disease. There is a greater risk of fibrosis (scarring) and eventual cirrhosis (end-stage liver disease) that carries complications that can lead to high morbidity and mortality (death).

Healthy foods help your gut diversity, health, microbiome, gastrointestinal gi system for you and the gastroenterology doctor
What do you choose to eat?

Body Mass Index (BMI)

"Current estimates suggest that approximately 68% of all US adults meet body mass index criteria for being overweight or obese."

What is the big deal of having a "fatty liver"?

Because "fatty liver" can progress from NAFLD to NASH. Then the risk of liver-specific morbidity (complications) and mortality (death) increases by 50 to 80 in patients with advanced fibrosis related to NASH. For this reason, correctly diagnosing and staging is critical for disease monitoring and prognosis.

Diagnosing NAFLD

A liver biopsy is the gold standard. However, noninvasive means include ultrasound, blood testing, elastography, and other radiographic options, like MRI studies. The early diagnosis and a sense of the severity of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) may prompt further evaluation and more aggressive management of metabolic comorbidities, such as obesity, diabetes, etc.

It’s important to maintain a healthy weight, focus on eating a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

Treatment of NAFLD

The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved any NAFLD-specific drug treatment. Nor is there any therapy for the management of NASH. There are ongoing clinical trials.

The only treatment is lifestyle interventions such as a balanced diet, weight loss, and healthy forms of regular exercise.

Weight loss of at least 10% is the first goal. Studies highlight diet's underlying and true importance in managing fatty liver or NAFLD.

Here is an ALF NAFLD & NASH Overview video from the American Liver Foundation

What are the first dietary and lifestyle changes recommended to someone with a liver condition such as NAFLD or "fatty liver"?

The only treatment is lifestyle interventions such as a balanced diet, weight loss, and healthy forms of regular exercise.

Tips en Español

Enfermedad del higado graso no alcoholico (NAFLD) o higado grasoso es comun y afecta aproximadamente 75-100 millones de personas. El 25% a 45% de todos los adultos Estadunidenses sufren con esta enfermedad. Segun Mayo Clinic el sistema del syndrome metabolico son varias condiciones que ocurren juntas y aumentan las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Aumenta el riesgo de un derrame cerebral, diabetes tipo 2, presion arterial alta, el azucar alta, cholesterol, y los niveles de triglicerios altos.

Casi cada tercer 3 Estadunidense esta afectado por esta condicion.

QUE ES NAFLD (Enfermedad del higado graso no alcoholico)?

Es cuando por lo menos 5% esteatosis hepatica grasa esta presente en el higado. Riesgo de NAFO son resistencia de insulina, obesidad, y sidrome metabolico. Higado grasoso causa NAFLD y NASH los casos de mortalidad aumentan de 50 a 80 pacientes con fibrosis.

Que es NASH (Esteatohepatitis no alcoholica)?

Es un subconjunto de NAFLD aumenta el riesgo de fibrosis y eventualmente cirrosis a un higado graso en la ultima etapa y puede causar complicaciones.


La condicion se diagnostica con un biopsia del higado con su medico. Al momento no hay tratamientos pero una dieta balanceada y saludable es recomendada.


There is no magic formula for long-term, sustainable weight loss.

Balance. Portion control. Keep nutrition simple. Eat Smart. Eat Healthy. 🌱 🌾 🌿


I eat a high-fiber, mostly plant-based 🌱 diet, no red meat, drink 4 liters of water a day, exercise, and am focused on keeping nutrition simple. I am sharing what works for me and what I routinely recommend to my patients.

"Balance. Portion control. Keep nutrition simple. Eat Smart. Eat Healthy. 🌱 🌾 🌿"

Gut Health ➕ Patient Advocacy with Navigation ➕ Life Balance

If you were looking for information about Private Healthcare Navigation and Patient Advocacy from Executive Health Navigation

Connect with Dr. Dooreck on LinkedIn, where he focuses his sharing on Health, Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, Lifestyle, and Balance.


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