How the CRC POP 💙 is bridging the gap between the leading national colorectal cancer organizations, GI doctors, Colorectal Surgeons, and patients to create a clear direction for newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients.
The Origins
Picture this: After waking up from what you thought was a routine colonoscopy, your gastroenterologist walks in and tells you that you have colorectal cancer. While your doctor focuses on scheduling further labs and scans, you're probably thinking: What happens now? Am I going to die?
💙💙💙 This is a NEW program for all Gastroenterologists and Colorectal Surgeons 🥼 to help patients at the “time of diagnosis.”
South Florida-based gastroenterologist Dr. Dooreck has seen this situation play out over and over again. He aimed to change these doctor-patient conversations by providing patients with reliable information and moral support. Thus, the Colorectal Cancer Provider Outreach Program (CRC POP) 💙 was born.
How it Works
The CRC POP 💙 aims to make colorectal cancer support resources available to patients as quickly and efficiently as possible. All patients have to do is text "COLON" to 77-4-77-COLON, and they will be directed to a master page providing them with five major CRC organizations: the American Cancer Society, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, Fight Colorectal Cancer, Colon Cancer Coalition, and the Colon Cancer Foundation.
💙 Text COLON to 77-4-77-COLON
Financial assistance, support lines, and treatment resources are now at the tips of a patient's fingers. On the provider end, PDF infographics of the CRC POP 💙 are available for clinicians to add to their website or to print and display in their office. The CRC POP 💙 is also branching out to team up with EHR programs so that patients will have even more resources in their discharge papers and share how to create this independently with gastroenterologists.
The Impact
The idea was conceived in the early summer months of 2020 and launched on October 1st of the same year. While its current focus involves connecting to GI doctors to share this resource with their patients, the potential of the CRC POP 💙 is endless. The CRC POP 💙 combines public health and medicine to improve patient quality of care.
Read the full article in Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News.
While over 150,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with colon cancer annually, diagnoses affect a patient's family members and support systems. Not only will the CRC POP 💙 provide direct support to patients and families, but the promotion of screening and prevention programs provided by partner organizations may also have a life-saving impact on members of patients' inner circles.

Through monthly evaluations, the CRC POP 💙 aims to increase program utilization each month, optimizing its outreach to up to ~14,000 gastroenterologists and ~3,000 colorectal surgeons nationwide. This simple, free, and centralized initiative will change the game for patients and gastroenterologists, providing needed support and direction.
Colorectal Cancer Provider Outreach Program (CRC POP) 💙 | Help. Here. Now. You are not alone. | https://tinyurl.com/colon484848
✴ Connect with Dr. Dooreck on LinkedIn, where he focuses his sharing on Health, Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, Lifestyle, and Balance.
Brian Dooreck MD | Gastroenterology | Colorectal Cancer Provider Outreach Program (CRC POP) 💙 | Help. Here. Now. You are not alone. | http://www.coloncancer.support

💙💙💙 This is a NEW program to help patients at the “time of diagnosis” for all Gastroenterologists and Colorectal Surgeons 🥼 of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) @amcollegegastro ➕ American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) @amergastroassn ➕ American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) @asgeendoscopy ➕ The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) @fascrs ➕ Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (SGNA) @sgnaonline
💙 Text COLON to 77-4-77-COLON
💙💙💙 Supported by the American Cancer Society @americancancersociety ➕ Colorectal Cancer Alliance @colorectalcanceralliance ➕ Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) @fightcrc‼️ ➕ the Colon Cancer Coalition @gyrig04 ➕ the Colon Cancer Foundation @coloncancerfoundation.
Ideas? Questions? Feedback. Email or reach out anytime.
The Colorectal Cancer Provider Outreach Program (CRC POP) 💙 | Help. Here. Now. You are not alone. | Go to http://www.coloncancer.support ••• 💙 Text COLON to 77-4-77-COLON
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